Rock God of Podcasting what is it like being married to Erin McFall?

The Question of the show: Rock God of Podcasting what is it like being married to Erin McFall?

Your stories have hints if not direct links to what Erin McFall has done for your life. Most of the stories are quick, but we want to know in-depth how she has changed your life and career. We want to know what married people argue about and what married life is really like. Give us your RGOP style straight stories!

Finding the right partner – well even the word partner is important. Joining up with anyone so closely to share your life in business or in marriage is the most important thing you will ever do. Marriage will change you because it connects you universally to another life. You will effect change in each other for good and bad. Amazing adventures have been had with Erin and you discover how it has opened the door to make me the man that I am today.

Rock God of Podcasting married to Erin McFall
Rock God of Podcasting married to Erin McFall

Tell us more.

Discovering who I truly am started before I met Erin and was slow going. She was always the catalyst I needed to be able to become who I wanted and needed to be. Being married Erin woke me up to a bigger universe. So she will always be the one to make me the angriest and she is also the only one who can make me the happiest. She has taught me what a partnership should look like in everything I do in life. Finding the absolute right person to be married to is the most important decision in your life. Seems like I got it right the first time.

This show is all about my stories but it is really about the shared human experience. Therefore the best way to share is to have you participate so I need more questions from you! Email me and hit me with your best shot – maybe you will get brand new stories out of me and bring some new adventures to the world.

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Show posted on Blog Talk Radio also.